Solutions That Can Impact Our World….

This is a chance for those that see problems, but never had a way to voice them, to bring awareness to an issue in addition to a solution. Exemplifying leadership qualities by identifying a problem and offering a solution are the qualities the Foundation is searching for in award winners.

An idea is all it takes to win $7,000 and a chance to make a difference. To enter, participants must identify a need or problem in their community and have a creative solution to address the issue and/or be actively working to address the need or problem. This solution does not have to be already in place or in action.

The Award

The cash award will be in the form of a grant to an individual winner, and is restricted for the educational support and/or tuition assistance of the individual winner, or a member of their immediate family. 

Who Can Apply?…….Anyone

Are you a grandparent? Help your grandchild with their college tuition! Anyone may enter, and give the award to a child or student that they choose. Applicants can be of any age, in any grade level of school or college, or a nonprofit organization. If a minor under the age of 18, the award application must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and the award will be held in escrow until that person enters secondary education. If the winner is not pursuing secondary education, the grant can be awarded on someone’s behalf to the college or school of choice, or the funds may be applied directly to the winning solution. If the winner is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, the cash award will be in the form of a one-time only grant in direct support of the problem and/or solution in their application.

Winning Criteria

Successful leadership in today’s complex world requires creativity and the skill to build bridges across boundaries – geographic, religious, ethnic, and philosophical – to bring together broad and increasingly diverse constituencies. The award selection panel will look for creativity, originality and leadership in offering solutions to the need or problem.

Each idea submitted will be reviewed by The Dale Earnhardt Foundation who will select the winners. All entries submitted will become the property of The Dale Earnhardt Foundation and will not be returned. The material submitted may be utilized by The Dale Earnhardt Foundation and Dale Earnhardt, Inc., even if you have not won an award.

Copyright 2021 Dale Earnhardt, Foundation – All Rights Reserved


Copyright 2021 Dale Earnhardt Incorporated – All Rights Reserved